The idea of telling your personal story to other members of your Rooted group may make you a little uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to be a big production. The goal isn’t to be comprehensive. It’s to give the other people in your group a sense of what makes you uniquely you.

What parts of your story should you tell?

If you really think about your story, it’s probably centered around people, places, and events. Those 3 categories capture how we interact with the world around us.

One way to organize your thoughts about your personal story is to use the space provided to identify people who have played significant roles in your life, places that are special to you, and events that have affected you.

It’s as simple as that.

You probably can’t talk about all the people, places, and events references above since you will only have 5-10 minutes to share. But this will give you a good start. From here, you can think through the parts of your story that are the most important to emphasize. It’s your story. You are free to share what you want to share.

Above all, remember this. You may think the other members of your group aren’t interested in your story, but that’s not true. Most of us are curious about the people around us. And we’re predisposed to empathize and connect with others. Your story will help draw the other members of your group closer. You will be amazed how many people will related to parts of your story.