Our Identity
What we do flows from who we are. As a community of believers, we are called to love and follow Christ with all of our being ( Matt. 22:37), to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matt 22:39), and make disciples throughout all nations (Matt. 28:19-20).
Because of this, at Granger MC we are fully devoted to Christ, our neighbors, and the nations.
Because of this, at Granger MC we are fully devoted to Christ, our neighbors, and the nations.

We – The church is a community of believers. We do not walk in discipleship alone, and each believer plays an active role in accomplishing the mission of the church. We will individually walk together in unity.
Are – If the church settles on past pursuits it risks stagnation and death. This is because the church is a living organism more than it is an organization. Granger MC will move and change, continually pursuing Christ, our neighbors and the nations.
Fully Devoted – Jesus calls us to full devotion. He is either Lord of all or not Lord at all. At Granger MC, we will continue to take the next step to make Jesus first in every area of our lives.
To Christ – Our devotion is first and foremost to Christ as Lord and Savior. We will pursue maturity in Christ as we worship, not only on Sundays, but every day through our regular use of the Word and prayer.
Our Neighbors – We will love our neighbors as ourselves, both inside and outside the church by participating and serving in gospel-centered community. We will pray for and intentionally engage our local community for their good and the gospel.
The Nations – The church has a mission to “make disciples of all nations.” This is not an option for some churches or certain believers. At Granger MC, we are each to be involved in making disciples both here in our own nation and around the world.
Our Story
On Easter Sunday 1952, two Bethel College students began to hold services in an old brick schoolhouse near Edwardsburg, Michigan. The following year, the group moved their services into the recreation room of the founding pastor's house. Attendance grew quickly, and after much prayer and sacrifice, the first portion of the present property was purchased. On Easter Sunday three years later, more than 100 people worshipped in the new church building. Granger MC has grown significantly since those early days building two additional worship centers as well as the Family Life Center. More importantly, Granger MC has remained an integral part of the Granger community as a light on the curve of Rt.23 for more than five decades with countless stories of lives transformed by the gospel.