Redemption Groups

Redemption Groups are a seasonal Life Group ministry where people will focus on the transforming love of God in some of life's deepest areas of sin and suffering. Redemption groups are about your life connecting with Jesus' life in a community

Group members will meet for about 12 weeks and actively engage with one another surrounding a specific theme or area of life by listening, sharing, comforting, and challenging. The experience can help you grow in how you relate to God, yourself, and others with greater love and honesty.

For your growth and discipleship in Christ, and to connect the grace of God with your suffering and sin, Redemption Groups provide the opportunity to orient our focus toward Christ, in and with the help of, Christian community.

Redeeming and Reclaiming

Women's Group
Friday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30 pm
12 weeks, September 20th through December 13th (No group on November 29th)
Limited to 10 members
In John 10:10, Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Christians, who are also survivors of trauma, feel the impact of what the devil has stolen but many times struggle to walk in freedom in their daily life. Some lingering effects of trauma may include depression, anxiety, and medical issues.
In John 5, Jesus approached a man lying near the pool of Bethesda and asked (vs. 6), “… Do you want to be healed?”We make no claims that by the end of this 12-week group you will be fully healed from the effects of trauma. Rather, we ask that you come with a hunger to learn and engage with a small community of women as, together, we embark on a healing journey.
Trust and privacy are extremely important in creating a safe space in which we can share our hurts and our hearts. What is said and shared by women in the group should not go beyond the group.
Most weeks there will be some homework. This may be as simple as listening to a song or a podcast. You will be encouraged to journal throughout this journey. (A journal will be provided.)