And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers. . . And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42, 47
We were made for community.
It’s part of who we are - being made in the image of a God who is three-in-one. In fact, God said it was not good for us to be alone. He made us to be in relationship with him and with each other, and through the gospel of Jesus, both are possible (Eph. 2:11-22).
Shifting the Center
However, we live in a culture that prizes individualism, that views community as something to consume rather than commit to. And let’s face it. Community is not always easy. But when we remove ourselves from being the center and purpose of community and put Jesus and his gospel at the center, community can be transforming for it's members and for the community at large.
It’s part of who we are - being made in the image of a God who is three-in-one. In fact, God said it was not good for us to be alone. He made us to be in relationship with him and with each other, and through the gospel of Jesus, both are possible (Eph. 2:11-22).
Shifting the Center
However, we live in a culture that prizes individualism, that views community as something to consume rather than commit to. And let’s face it. Community is not always easy. But when we remove ourselves from being the center and purpose of community and put Jesus and his gospel at the center, community can be transforming for it's members and for the community at large.

What is a Life Group?
LIfe Groups are a committed group of 10-20 people who act as a
family - learning, loving, and serving each other and the community while doing life together around the gospel. While each LIfe Group may look different, they are all formed with the same DNA of Gospel, Community, and Mission.
family - learning, loving, and serving each other and the community while doing life together around the gospel. While each LIfe Group may look different, they are all formed with the same DNA of Gospel, Community, and Mission.
What happens in a Life Group?
A typical gathering consists of a time of prayer, discussion, and action. The rhythym of a Life Group follows it's DNA as members balance their time around the Gospel - through a Bible study or sermon discussion guides, Community - through celebration, prayer and care, and Mission - through serving each other and the community.
When and where do Life Groups gather?
Life Groups gather both on and off campus, in homes, coffee shops, and other gathering places. They typically meet 2-4 times a month on a day and time that work best for the group.
Discover the place where you belong.
Life Groups are as varied as the people who make them up. While Life Groups gather around different affinities, they all share the same DNA of Gospel, Community, and Mission, and all exist for the same purpose - to connect real faith to real life.
Life Groups are as varied as the people who make them up. While Life Groups gather around different affinities, they all share the same DNA of Gospel, Community, and Mission, and all exist for the same purpose - to connect real faith to real life.

How do I join a Life Group?
There are several ways to join a Life Group.
There are several ways to join a Life Group.
- Stop by the Welcome Wall on Sunday morning and we'd be glad to help you connect.
- Click Join a Group below and a group leader will contact you.
- Attend a Starting Point event to learn more about Life Groups and meet some of our leaders.
Looking to host or lead a Life Group?
You don't need to be a Bible scholar or have a large house to lead a Life Group, so don't let that stop you from joining our amazing team of Life Group leaders. All we ask is that you pray about God's call for you in this area and allow us to walk with you in creating a place where real faith meets real life!
You don't need to be a Bible scholar or have a large house to lead a Life Group, so don't let that stop you from joining our amazing team of Life Group leaders. All we ask is that you pray about God's call for you in this area and allow us to walk with you in creating a place where real faith meets real life!