Week 8



All Rooted groups will be meeting together at the church Sunday morning at the church at 8:30 am.

You might be asking the question, "Why are we all hearing the same talk from the Pastor?"  Churches who have done Rooted over the last several years all throughout the country, they highly recommend giving some specific clarity about how their specific church financially operates. It gives the church’s leadership a chance to clarify how important giving is for their specific community and how that giving is used.

More importantly, money is a sacred idol for most people. That’s true for modern Americans, in a society that’s built on capitalism and consumerism. Not that any of that is evil at all, it just grants money a lot of power in our lives. Jesus’ appearance on the planet was perfectly timed, as economies were increasingly moving toward a money-based economy (rather than goods-based) and were more interconnected than ever. His teaching about money was extensive. Look at this quote from a leadership and financial teacher, Howard Dayton:

Jesus talked much about money. Sixteen of the thirty-eight parables were concerned with how to handle money and possessions. In the Gospels, an amazing one out of ten verses (288 in all) deal directly with the subject of money. The Bible offers 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, but more than 2,000 verses on money and possessions. 

We want to make sure we get this conversation right and have everyone on the same page. Christians are only giving at 2.5% of their income right now. If they would only double this we’d be able to substantially address most, if not all, preventable suffering. That’s particularly helpful as we remember the week 4 conversations. “Where is God is suffering?” Maybe part of the question is “Where are we in suffering?”


We want all our people to be part of a Life Group.  If there are members of your Rooted group who are not currently in a Life Group, begin talking to them about the importance of continuing in a community when Rooted is over.  Invite them to join your Life Group.


Lastly, we want to hear from you about three different people. (1) One or two people who might want to share their story at the Celebration(are we doing a Celebration?) If not we could use stories to promote Rooted in January. (2) Someone to lead a future Life Group. (3) Someone in your group that might be especially interested or gifted at leading a future Rooted group (it could be you). Talk to them privately about why you chose them too.

We'd like to hear about potential Rooted stories to share before the next couple meetings, if possible.

If anyone in your group is interested in truly going all-in with Jesus and would like to discuss their next steps involving baptism, please reach out to the church office and Pastor Jason to learn more. We'd love for you to be a part of that day too!

Here are the goals for your group beyond this week leading to the end:
- Have your group speak encouraging truths into the lives of each other.
- Identify leaders and the best future for this group.

Week 8 Resources