Be sure to consider how you will break up your group by gender and who will lead each group.
Your facilitator’s guide offers substantial help when it comes to that week on pages 98-105.
Defining Strongholds. This word comes from passages like 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.
They’re using “stronghold” as a specialized term for that primary sin-infection that most of our destructive perspectives and behaviors come from. Day 5 is very helpful in identifying this. Encourage your group to consider all they relate to, but identify one or two particular listed strongholds that might be the root-cause or reoccurring problem in their life. It may not always be what you think at first. For example, someone might admit to compulsively viewing pornography. While “sexual immorality” is listed as a possibility, the real problem might be “despair” as that’s just one euphoric way of distracting themselves.
Get Practical. The key to this week is not only growing in awareness of a stronghold, but establishing practices in your life that help you break the power of that stronghold in your life. The primary tactic of sin (and satan) is to get us to believe lies. The Day 5 exercise helps us define the particular lie that’s lodged in our psyche and use scripture to embrace truth.
Encourage your group to craft their own truth statements and then utilize these regularly, even daily. Encourage them to post them in a place they regularly look, like on a post-it note on the mirror or the background of their phone. It could be one or two lines directly related to their strongholds or a much more extensive approach.
Hand out the provided truth statement bookmarks to your group. These can serve as a useful reminder.
Your facilitator’s guide offers substantial help when it comes to that week on pages 98-105.
Defining Strongholds. This word comes from passages like 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.
They’re using “stronghold” as a specialized term for that primary sin-infection that most of our destructive perspectives and behaviors come from. Day 5 is very helpful in identifying this. Encourage your group to consider all they relate to, but identify one or two particular listed strongholds that might be the root-cause or reoccurring problem in their life. It may not always be what you think at first. For example, someone might admit to compulsively viewing pornography. While “sexual immorality” is listed as a possibility, the real problem might be “despair” as that’s just one euphoric way of distracting themselves.
Get Practical. The key to this week is not only growing in awareness of a stronghold, but establishing practices in your life that help you break the power of that stronghold in your life. The primary tactic of sin (and satan) is to get us to believe lies. The Day 5 exercise helps us define the particular lie that’s lodged in our psyche and use scripture to embrace truth.
Encourage your group to craft their own truth statements and then utilize these regularly, even daily. Encourage them to post them in a place they regularly look, like on a post-it note on the mirror or the background of their phone. It could be one or two lines directly related to their strongholds or a much more extensive approach.
Hand out the provided truth statement bookmarks to your group. These can serve as a useful reminder.