Fully Devoted
Following Jesus is not about becoming religious or simply following the rules. It's not about faith on Sunday and "real life" on Monday. It goes much deeper than that. It's about real faith for real life.
The gospel radically reorients our lives and takes us in a new direction, one in which Jesus has the first place
- in our marriages, our jobs, our finances, our futures.
Following Jesus is about taking that next step in the journey.
We become fully devoted by walking together to take the next step in a Jesus-first life.
The gospel radically reorients our lives and takes us in a new direction, one in which Jesus has the first place
- in our marriages, our jobs, our finances, our futures.
Following Jesus is about taking that next step in the journey.
We become fully devoted by walking together to take the next step in a Jesus-first life.

Our next sermon series will be starting in the month of May, and we want to hear from you about a verse that has changed your life! If you have a story, please click the button to fill out our form for you to share it with us!
Service Times
Sunday Morning L.A.B.s
9:00 am
Sunday Morning Worship
10:00 am
Granger Missionary Church En Español
11:30 am